Selling A Buy-to-Let Property
Whether it’s due to Section 24 of the Finance (No. 2) Act 2015, Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) borrowing restrictions or the spate of other regulatory measures, buy-to-let’s attractiveness as an asset class has certainly waned in recent years. The New Buy-to-Let Paradigm Nonetheless, although some 4,000 rental properties are being sold every month, talk of a ‘mass exodus’ of landlords is arguably exaggerated. Section 24, in reality, will affect about a third of those operating in the sector. Those that can comfortably remain in the lower tax threshold should not face too much extra liability. Similarly, those that are lowly-geared or own their assets in Limited company structures should be able to weather the storm (assuming there are no other changes on the horizon). Since the 2015 announcement, landlords have also been exploring whether it’s possible to legally mitigate the... [Read More]