Post-Brexit Economic Development and Housing Planning (Planning Resource Event) – Part 1

This and the following post aim to provide a broad synopsis of a Planning Resource event held towards the end of 2016. I have split the content into two parts, the first covering the morning´s discussion on the wider implications of the Brexit decision on the UK economy, as a precursor to the afternoon´s conversations on planning for housing. Part 1 – Focus on Post-Brexit Economic Development Published at the start of January 2017, perhaps facetiously, it´s worth caveating that there is a certain risk that much of the following write-up could well be obsolete at the time of reading given the political ambiguity and lack of specifics regarding the UK´s exit from European Union. Such uncertainty is likely to remain, at the very least, until the triggering of Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty and formal talks start... [Read More]